In 1900 B.C. Kingdom of Luwian ( a branch of Hittites), in 1500-1333 B.C. Arzava Kingdom (a group that has East origin but seperate from Hittites), in 1900-1200 B.C. Kingdom of Hittites , in 1190-713 B.C. Kingdom of Kue (Phrygians), in 713-660 B.C. Kingdom of Assyria , in 663-612 B.C. Kingdom of Cilicia, in 612-333 B.C. Persian Satrap, in 333-323 B.C. Hellenistic period , in 312-1333 B.C. Selökidler, in 178-112 B.C. Karsunlar period , in 395-638 B.C. Byzantines and in 638 A.D. Islamic period. Occupied by Kingdom of Armenian, Egyptian Turkish Memlukes, Ramazanogulları, Ottomans, and Frenchs respectively, Adana gained independence on 5 January 1922. Thus, Adana witnessed 10 great and different civilisations and 18 different political structures throughout the history.
Adana’s history dates back to 6000 B.C. because of its geographical location situated on the fertile and watery delta of Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers. Adana is one of the most important cities of ancient Cilicia. It is the cradle of lots of civilisation from The Hittites to The Ottomans. According to the Greek Mythology, the name “Adana” comes from the son of God of Heavens “Adanus”. It is located on the bank of Seyhan (Sarus) river which makes large bends on Taurus Mountains, plains and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Tepebağ Mound which is in the center of Adana belongs to the Neolithic period when humankind started built-in life. It is one of the most ancient settlement places of the world whose history dates back to 6000 B.C. When Adana was the center of Kiznuwatna Kingdom, it joined The Hittite Federation in 1350’s B.C. In the 9th Century B.C. it passed into the hands of Assyrians and in the 7th Century B.C. into the hands of Persians. Hosting Alexander the Great and his army in 333 B.C. Adana passed into the hands of Macedonians after the war of Issos and into the hands of Selefkiler after the death of Alexander. When it was under the domination of Roman Empire in the 1st century when the famous orator Cicero was serving as the governer of the state in the region, Adana was the biggest comercial center of East Roman Empire. By passing into the hands of Sasanid Empire in 260 A.D., Byzantines in the 4th century A.D. Abbasids in the 8th century, again Byzantines in the 10th century, Seljuks in the 11th century, Armenians in the 12th century and Mamelukes in the 14th century , it became a Turkish land.
Turks, who came to Çukurova from Middle East during the reign of Turkish Mameluke Empire, pioneered in the establishment of a new civilisation on this fertile and watery land. The name of the Pyramos River became Ceyhan and the name of Sarus River became Seyhan.
Founded in 1352 in Adana, Ramazanoglu Principality continued until 1517. At that time Yavuz Sultan Selim who was going to Egyptian Expedition connected Adana to Ottoman Empire. Adana hosted to Suleiman the Magnificient who was going to expedition to the East in 1535, to Sultan VI. Murat who was going expedition to Baghdad in 1638, to the son of governer of Egypt who rebelled against Ottoman Empire , Ibrahim Pasha, and his army.
In 1918, the time of the end of the World War I, a new struggle for Turks began.
Arriving in Adana on 31 October 1918 and taking over the command of Lightening Army from German Marshal Liman Von Sanders , Mustafa Kemal Atatürk gave the first signs of War of Independence by saying “For allies the war may have ended, but what interests us; the war , the war of our own future, now begins.” In the meantime, enemy forces started to occupy Adana and around of it. Their objective was to found an Armenian state that provides support for European states. In the years 1918-1919 invaders applied torture and persecution. People of Adana who couldn’t bear these pressures established “Cilicia National Forces Organization”.
On 5 August 1920 Mustafa Kemal , Fevzi Çakmak and deputies came Pozantı, declared here a province and did Pozantı Congress there. In November 1920 The Frenchs were defeated and French Government officially recognized Turkish Grand National Assembly Government. On 20 October 1921 “Ankara Treaty” was signed with Frenchs. In accordance with this agreement on 5 January 1922 Frenchs were completely seperated from Çukurova. After this, provincial center was moved back to Adana. |
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